Another Turn in the Ring

by aminutewithmichael

Another tussle with
the words I want to
use to convey my thoughts
onto this wretched blank
page; this canvas of
pugilistic wordplay.

Do I say fear?
Or Terror?
Do I devote myself to complete honesty here?
Or do I withhold some shred of truth?
Do I say I am sad?
Or Disappointed?

It’s a bare-knuckle brawl
on the tarps,
blood spraying from busted
lips and open cuts around the eyes,
as the crowd yawns.

A Left,
No! A Right!
Another Right!
A Left hand lead!
But the shadow on the wall,
still steady on its feet.
My feet?

Provocative or alluring?
Sexy or erotic?
Complacent or resigned?
Domestic or Imported?
Reeling around the ring,
in pointless pitched punches.

I want to express how
worried I am, with…things…
the world…
the politics…
but the boxer in me,
just wants to brawl endlessly
with the right words.

Because I don’t know
what to say,
and I don’t know how
to say it.